The Allegory of the Basement

Movies have the power to build their own realities. We watch them to give us a sense of comfort and escapism. While most recognize the boundaries between a movie and their ownlives, there are some who live vicariously through films – relying on them in order to gain a sense of purpose.

Plato’s Allegory of the Cave examines a group of people who realize that their own reality has been a simulation, and how they deal with what that means for their existence. 

The Allegory of the Basement is a stop motion film shot on 16mm film. The process of stop motion itself is a study in repetition, similar to the ritualistic act of re-watching a movie over and over again. You will discover new things about the characters every few movements, but after a while it will begin to wear on you. According to a study in the Journal of Consumer Research, “reruns spark contemplation about personal growth.” However, in order for that to work, people must do other things in their lives besides watching films. 

Netflix, and even social media, have become curated sources that allow us to live in personalized bubbles where we are only exposed to things within our comfort zone. It is easy to be so comfortable in our own spaces, or routines, or ways of thinking that we are hesitant to step outside of our own bubbles to be exposed to more. It is important to watch multiple movies, and not just obsess over one. We must also allow ourselves to be exposed to different points of view in order to grow as individuals. 

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